Friday 10 May 2013

111 clothes went to a Burma Refugee camp

After almost a month of looking for a place to send my surrendered clothes, finally...

All of these bags will go to a Burma refugee camp... once I emptied my closet, I noticed that I won't need a big luggage that occupy 10% of my room anymore. I am giving away my luggage too...

Good bye messiness and superfluous!


  1. you are doing fantastic !! keep it up.I like your slogan "goodbye messiness and superfluous".LEAD A LIFE AND NOT LIFESTYLE.
    Maybe,we can initiate a movement with like minded individuals, to be known as "minimalistmalaysia".
    Huge potential.

    1. Hi Neu!
      Yea.... HUGE Potential. ;)
      Once someone choose to be a minimalist, they will definitely say ' I wish I knew this earlier'.
      No regret. Seriously.
